
  • Wat is de economische meerwaarde van Nederlandse expats en emigranten voor Nederland zelf? En wat kan Nederland leren van de manier waarop andere landen met hun eigen burgers in het buitenland omgaan? Eelco Keij brengt het in dit politieke manifest in kaart. Gebaseerd op zijn observaties trekt hij conclusies en doet hij aanbevelingen, in het bijzonder gericht op de politieke vertegenwoordiging van Nederlanders in het buitenland. In his Fortunate Connections manifesto, Mr. Keij seeks to build a bridge between the politicians in The Hague and the sizable Dutch electorate abroad. The two foremost questions are: what added value do the (former) Dutch nationals abroad bring to The Netherlands itself, and how do other European countries deal politically with their citizens abroad? Based on his research of extensive resources, Mr. Keij offers suggestions and recommendations directed at the political parties in The Hague.
  • In his Fortunate Connections manifesto, Mr. Keij seeks to build a bridge between the politicians in The Hague and the sizable Dutch electorate abroad. The two foremost questions are: what added value do the (former) Dutch nationals abroad bring to The Netherlands itself, and how do other European countries deal politically with their citizens abroad? Based on his research of extensive resources, Mr. Keij offers suggestions and recommendations directed at the political parties in The Hague.
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